Saturday, 21.09.2024 | Deutsch | English
More Time

More Time

25. April 2008With their resolutions on the occasion of the World Motor Sport Council meeting on March 26, the FIA at last granted the teams longer time periods for repair and maintenance works at the European Truck Racing Championship events. Especially during the last season, where after some races or timed practices the standstill periods in the Parc Fermé took ages, very often there was barely enough time to refill diesel and water for the brakes, before it was about time to proceed to the grid. Now the interval between the start of the timed practice and the ensuing Qualy race as well as the two races has to be principally 2 hours; previously it was just 60 and 90 minutes resp.
And also the intervals between the warm-up and the timed practice, between the two free practices, and also between the free practice and the timed practice are now stated bindingly with 60, 75, and 90 minutes. These regulations will suit the teams fine.
And yet another item was again formulated more concretely. When last year it became apparent that the season was possibly going to end with several drivers having the same number of points, we once again consulted the sporting regulations and were surprised to learn that in case of a dead heat at the end of the season the driver with the greatest number of first places shall be the winner of the championship. But for years it was stated in the regulations that first and foremost the number of victories in the Cup races should be decisive, and only then those in the Qualy races. Obviously in the course of renaming the term ‘Cup Race’ as ‘Championship Race’ this differentiation was completely lost. We pointed these ambiguities out to Lutz Bernau, the representative for the teams in the Truck Racing Commission, and he brought this matter forward at the meeting in January. Now it was re-established in the regulations that in case of a dead heat the number of wins in the Championship races shall have priority and only then the number of victories in the Qualy races shall be decisive.
In order to read these statements of the FIA in the original, please press “Truckracing” on this website.