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Thursday on the Nürburgring

05. July 2007Nürburgring - The Truck Grand Prix on the Nürburgring is a genuine 4 days event. On Thursday there are as many attractions here as elsewhere on Sundays. At 10:00 hours in the morning the press drivings started – at times in drenching rains. Only late in the afternoon, when the trucks that took part in the press and VIP drivings started their additional training, it cleared up a bit.
Especially the VIP drivings were again a great success. Since last year, the ADAC offers people the opportunity to purchase a voucher for a tour in the passenger seat of one of the RaceTrucks when buying an entrance ticket. According to chief press officer Reinhard Moll there was such a keen demand that many of the interested parties had to be turned down, because the capacity was already exhausted. There are already more than 40 advance bookings for the next year.
In the afternoon it was suddenly announced that the FIA decided not to have two groups, after all. This would mean that all previous time schedules would be worthless. The new schedule will be published here with corresponding status information. And also the starter list for the Mittelrhein Cup could be subject to changes.
When suddenly two trucks arrived at the paddock, this caused utter astonishment among the marshals. These were two Formula 1 service trucks, and the staff intended to start with the erection of the equipment for the “European Grand Prix”, however, this F1 event in the Eifel begins two weeks from now.